
Facials are a staple in any skincare regimen. The purpose of a facial is to exfoliate your skin to reveal the radiance of your new skin cells. Because facial treatments can be customized to your precise skin needs, most people make good candidates for these treatments at Premiere Aesthetics in Fort Myers, FL. We offer several medical-grade facials.


Facials are non-invasive treatments that address the top-most layer of the skin to reduce the appearance of shallow scarring, visible signs of aging, sun damage, and even active skin conditions like acne. A facial can usually be completed within 30 – 60 minutes and will produce fast results with brighter, more youthful skin. For some, a facial can be the key to unlocking better aesthetics and better skin health.

Medical Grade Facial

Each ZO professional treatments includes the principals of skin health:

  • Cleanse
  • Exfoliate
  • Tone
  • Extractions (If necessary)
  • Massage + Masque
  • Prevent and correct (Depending on skin concern, superficial peels and ZO acceleration serums can be added at an additional charge to treatment for optimal results)
  • Hydration + calming
  • Protect

Skin Brightening Facial

Treatment targets pigment-related issues to help address dark patches and uneven skin tone.


Anti-Aging Facial

Designed specifically to strengthen skin structure and hydrate to support the visible improvement in skin elasticity and firmness.


Ultra Hydration Facial

Ultra hydration treatment is designed specifically to target dry, dehydrated skin to restore hydration, and to provide soothing, cooling and calming comfort.


Acne Facial

Acne+ oil control treatment to clear skin and prevent breakouts.


Cleanse, Exfoliate, Hydrate, and Nourish the skin with AquaFirmeXS! The AquaFirmeXS, uses serums derived from plant extracts, derived from ancient Ayurvedic principles. The serums CLARIFY, VIVIFY, DETOX and DEFY correspond to the skin’s needs and are specifically designed to revitalize the appearance of the skin and defend against aging.



Facial Add Ons

Superficial Peel

Superficial peels use chemicals that are formulated at slightly lighter concentrations. These peels typically focus on the very surface of the skin to exfoliate dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of dryness, redness, acne, and oily skin. Our most popular superficial chemical peel options include:

Skinbetter Science Peel

Skinbetter Science formulates a medical-grade peel that is made with a blend of lactic acid, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid that is offered at 30% and 50% strengths to customize your treatment. This particular peel is gentle enough to be used twice a month to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Obagi Blue Radiance Peel

The medical-grade Obagi Radiance Peel is formulated with a blend of 20% salicylic acid, 2% glycolic acid, and 2% lactic acid to gently exfoliate the skin to resolve concerns such as acne congestion and sun damage. Most patients get the best results with this facial by having two initial appointments two weeks apart.


Exfoliation treatment which removes dead skin cells and vellus hair from face. Leaves skin bright and clear.


ZO Brightalive Serum Accelerated

Professional strength serum applied during treatment then brought home to use daily. Provides enhanced efficacy in brightening skin tone and lessening the appearance of discoloration.

ZO Firming Serum Accelerated

Professional strength serum applied during treatment then brought home to use daily. Provides enhanced efficacy in visibly tightening and firming the skin to improve the appearance of sagging and skin laxity.

Red or Blue LED Therapy

Red or Blue LED therapy is a simple, energy-based treatment that resets the natural processes in your skin to treat specific concerns. Patients have a choice between red LED therapy for concerns such as fine lines, collagen production, and redness, or blue LED therapy to manage active acne conditions. Those who have multiple concerns can alternate between red and blue lights.

Hand or Foot Mask

The skin on your hands and feet can also become dry or show visible signs of aging. A hand or foot mask will deeply hydrate your skin or even exfoliate tough skin like calluses so your hands and feet can feel smoother and more youthful.

Which Treatment Is Right for You?

Selecting the facial treatment right for you will ultimately come down to what’s best for your skin and your aesthetic goals. During your consultation with one of our aesthetic experts, we will analyze your skin type and discuss all of your appearance goals so we can select the treatment or treatments that are most appropriate for your concerns. The top factors we look at when choosing your treatments include:

Skin Concern

Your main skin concerns will be the most informative factor for what treatment is most appropriate for you. For example, if you have moderate signs of visible aging, sun damage, or shallow scarring, then a medical-grade chemical peel will be more appropriate than a superficial peel. If you have an active condition like acne, then you may even need to combine your peel treatments with LED therapy to eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

Skin Type

While most chemical peels are compatible with all skin types and tones, the strength of your peel may be determined by your skin type. People who have very sensitive skin or thin skin may not respond well to deeper chemical peels, for example.

How Frequently Should You Have Treatments?

While your first medical-grade peels will likely be scheduled two weeks apart and then once a month to maintain your results, the treatment frequency for your other treatments may be different. It’s common to schedule superficial peels, LED therapy, and hand or foot masks once a month, but ultimately your treatment schedule can be set by your preferences.

How Long Will Results Last?

The most important thing to remember about facials is the fact that the results will always be temporary. Facials are aesthetic treatments that usually address only the upper layers of the skin, which means that natural cellular turnover will eventually erase your results. Over time, the overall appearance and health of your skin may improve, but your results will usually only last for about four weeks at most.

Who Are Good Candidates?

Most adults with one or more skin concerns are generally considered good candidates for these facial treatments. You may need to attend a consultation with one of our aesthetic experts to assess your eligibility for these treatments. However, as long as you do not have a skin infection, cold sore, sunburn, or fever blister, you will usually be eligible for a facial.

Pamper Your Skin With Facials

Improving the appearance of your skin is all about improving the health of your skin – and one of the best ways to improve both at the same time is when facials. From medical-grade chemical peels to LED therapy, the right facial treatment can drastically improve your appearance.



There are dozens of aesthetic treatments around, but which is the best treatment for you? Selecting your aesthetic treatments should depend on your skin type and skin goals. At Premiere Aesthetics in Fort Myers, FL, we know that one of the latest and increasingly popular aesthetic treatments is dermaplaning, an exfoliating treatment that can help brighten your complexion and reduce the appearance of fine lines, scarring, and some pigmentation concerns.


Dermaplane treatments remove the top layers of dead skin cells and vellus hairs from the surface of your skin to create a smoother, brighter, and healthier appearance. This treatment is performed by using a sterile blade to gently scrape skin cells and hair from your skin. Professional dermaplane treatments can exfoliate the skin much more deeply than at-home treatments, meaning the treatment can be more effective at a medspa.


A dermaplane treatment will take about 20 minutes to complete. This treatment starts with a dry face and once the treatment is complete, a moisturizing product or serum will be applied to soothe your skin. Dermaplane treatments are generally compatible with all skin tones and types.

Dermaplane With Medical Grade Facial

For optimal results, it may be a good idea to combine your dermaplane treatment with a medical-grade facial. Using a dermaplane treatment as the first step to your medical-grade facial will allow for better product penetration. Because the top-most layers of skin cells are removed with dermaplaning, the exfoliation of your facial treatment will remove additional damaged skin layers and allow for nutrient serums to sink into deeper layers of the skin for more effective renewal.

How Often Can You Have This Treatment?

For most people, the skin renews itself in a 28 to 40-day cycle, which is why you can have facial treatments such as this one at least once a month. With or without a medical-grade facial, regular dermaplane treatments can gradually restore the luster and health of your skin by regulating cellular turnover and improving the appearance of textural or pigmentation concerns.

Additionally, the vellus hairs or peach fuzz on your skin will also grow back in about four weeks. If you want to maintain a baby-smooth skin texture, ease the application of cosmetics, or simply enjoy brighter skin, then removing peach fuzz each month will be beneficial.

Why Should You Add a Medical Grade Facial?

Although dermaplane treatments are highly effective by themselves, it can be a good idea to add an additional facial treatment to achieve specific goals. By itself, dermaplane treatments can remove dead skin cells, brighten skin tone, soften fine lines, and even treat shallow acne scarring and some post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. When combined with a medical-grade facial, your results can be twice as effective.

Medical-grade facials are generally designed to target specific skin concerns, such as sun damage, oily skin, acne-prone skin, and much more. These facial treatments use chemicals and acids to gently exfoliate the skin, increase collagen production, and promote better skin health overall. You will be able to select the facial that is most appropriate for your skincare needs.

Is Dermaplane the Same As Shaving?

Yes and no. While both dermaplane treatments and shaving will remove unwanted hair from the face, the fact of the matter is that standard razors are not designed to remove vellus hair – so if you are using your leg shaver on your face at home, then chances are you’re not actually removing peach fuzz but you may be damaging your skin.

Peach fuzz is most effectively removed with a flat sterile blade. Because peach fuzz is very small and light, ordinary razors may not be able to “catch” the hair to trim it down. Furthermore, dermaplane treatments will remove peach fuzz right at the surface of the skin instead of merely shortening the length of the vellus hairs.

Benefits of Dermaplane Treatments

There’s a reason why dermaplane treatments are so popular lately. Not only are these treatments non-invasive, non-irritating, and generally a good match for all skin tones, types, or concerns, there are other benefits that are worth considering. Some benefits include:

Healthier Skin

The key to healthy skin is good skin regulation, particularly for shedding dead skin cells and oil regulation. Many skin conditions are caused by dysfunctional skin shedding, which is when dead skin cells are not naturally or regularly shed from the skin. This is one of the reasons why exfoliation techniques and treatments are highly recommended pieces of a good skincare routine.

By removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, you can prevent conditions like acne and oily skin. Many people with acne-prone skin have difficulty because skin cells remain on the skin to trap dirt, oil, and bacteria in the pores. Likewise, oily skin is often caused by skin that remains dry because dead skin cells do not fall away as they should.

Brighter and Softer Skin

Both dead skin cells and vellus hair act as a mask on the skin that will make your skin appear dry and dull. When peach fuzz and dead skin cells are removed, the skin will naturally appear softer, smoother, brighter, more even-toned, healthier, and even younger.

Better Product Absorption

Your skincare products can do better work when applied to skin that is not blocked by dead skin cells. With regular professional exfoliation treatments, you can remove dead skin cells and free your skin from your skincare products so your skincare regimen will work more effectively. You will even be able to see this benefit at home.

Pair Your Treatment for Optimal Results

Most people are good candidates for dermaplaning. This physical exfoliation treatment removes layers of dead skin cells and peach fuzz so you can have healthier, brighter, and younger-looking skin. This treatment is good for most skin tones and skin types and can be even more effective when you pair the treatment with medical-grade facials.


If you have a few dark hairs on your chin, stubborn hairs around your eyebrows, or hair on your upper lip, then you’ve probably tried everything to get rid of these unwanted hairs. The trouble with plucking and shaving, however, is the possibility of skin irritation. At Premiere Aesthetics in Fort Myers, FL, our professional facial waxing services can help you achieve your aesthetic look more easily. Our services include brow shaping, lip waxing, chin waxing, nose waxing, sideburns waxing, and full face waxing.

Female Facial Waxing

Women get facial hair just like men, but while facial hair on men can be a desirable aesthetic, many women struggle with dark hair on unwanted areas like the lip, chin, and sideburns. Although there is nothing wrong with visible facial hair, women who want to achieve a certain aesthetic may desire to have this hair removed. Seperate or bundled female facial waxing treatments can simplify your beauty routine.

Brow Shaping

Brow shaping is an ideal treatment for women who have naturally thick eyebrows or eyebrow hairs that grow far outside of the natural brow zone, such as on the eyelid or on the forehead. Shaping the brows can also shape your eyes and make your appearance seem more feminine.

Lip Waxing

It’s very common to have hair on the upper lip, but women who have very dark natural hair may want to remove this hair to appear more feminine. Lip waxing removes hair on the upper lip so you don’t have to continually pluck or shave.

Chin Waxing

Hair on the chin can happen as a singular hair or as little patches of dark hair. Sometimes, chin hair may grow around a beauty mark or mole. No matter the type of chin hair you have, chin waxing can be an easier way to remove undesired hair.

Nose Waxing

Nose waxing refers to removing visible hairs from the nostril. At home, you may pluck or trim these hairs. However, nostril hairs can grow quickly and it’s easy to miss hairs. This waxing treatment removes these visible hairs so you don’t need to be self-conscious about nose hairs.

Sideburns Waxing

Some women have darker, thicker, and more abundant sideburns than others, particularly women who have naturally dark hair. Sideburns waxing can help shape up your hairline or help you achieve a particular aesthetic for your hairstyle.

Full Face Waxing (Excluding Brows)

Full face waxing includes waxing all areas of the face such as the lip, chin, nose, sideburns, and even the cheeks to remove vellus hairs or peach fuzz. This treatment essentially bundles all of your waxing needs into a single treatment so all of your waxing goals are met at one time.

How Long Does Facial Waxing Last?

The results of facial waxing treatments for women will typically last about four weeks, which is how long it will take for hair to regrow on the face. Your hair is constantly growing, so it’s best to schedule your appointments monthly or at least every six weeks to maintain your desired appearance. Over time, with enough waxing treatments, the density and thickness of your hair regrowth will become more sparse, so your results may last longer.

How Long Should Your Facial Hair Be Before Your Next Appointment?

Just like waxing any other area of the body, you will need to wait until the hair on your face is at least 1/4 inch long before you can schedule another treatment. This is the ideal hair length because hairs will not be terribly visible, but they will be long enough for the wax to grab hold for optimal removal.

Who Are Good Candidates?

Most women who are interested in removing unwanted facial hair and who have healthy skin are good candidates for these facial treatments. This treatment should not be performed on very sensitive skin, sunburned skin, or skin that has active concerns like acne. You will need to have a consultation with one of our expert aesthetic experts to confirm this treatment is right for your goals.

Simplify Your Routine

Constantly plucking your facial hair is a pain, particularly when the hair on your face is growing at different rates. You can simplify your beauty routine by waxing your full face at once so you can enjoy a smoother finish and more time between hair removal treatments. Most women over 18 are good candidates for this treatment.