Is Kybella a Permanent Fix?

If you have a large amount of fat under your chin, your jawline is likely to look fuller and less defined. If you would like to fix this cosmetic issue, you should consider receiving an injectable treatment called Kybella. At Premiere Aesthetics in Fort Myers, FL, we can use this powerful injectable to achieve lasting improvements in your profile.

Is Kybella a Permanent Fix?

Kybella fort myers is an injectable product that will remove some of the extra fat that is contained in your double chin. One of the best aspects of this treatment is its ability to permanently fix this aesthetic issue. During each of your appointments, we will use this product to eliminate some of your unwanted fat cells.  After your treatment plan is complete, you won’t need to get additional sessions or use other cosmetic techniques to maintain your contoured profile and jawline.

Although you won’t need to get any follow-up treatments at our office in Fort Myers, we will advise you to maintain your slimmer profile by living a balanced lifestyle. If you gain a noticeable amount of weight after you finish your final fat reduction session, your jawline may become less defined. You can maintain your contoured look by following a sustainable exercise plan, avoiding unhealthy foods, and adopting other beneficial habits.

How Will This Injectable Improve My Double Chin?

This injectable will use a gentle method to stop some of the cells in your double chin from continuing to store unwanted fat. Kybella fort myers contains a powerful substance that scientists call deoxycholic acid. This substance helps you process the fat in your diet. When we inject the synthetic version of this acid into the area under your chin, this ingredient will dissolve some of your unwanted fat cells.

After this product destroys these cells, they will not be able to store unwanted fat under your chin. During the weeks after you receive your injections, you will use natural methods to metabolize these dead cells, and your double chin will begin to fade away. As you continue to receive additional treatments, your profile will gradually become more defined.

Who Should Consider Using This Fat Reduction Method?

If you feel upset or embarrassed about your double chin, you should think about receiving a series of Kybella fort myers treatments. Similarly, you might be a good candidate for this injectable if your extra fat makes you look less vibrant, fit, and active than you really are. This treatment can also be used to address a double chin that you haven’t been able to change by maintaining spending time at the gym and removing processed foods from your diet.  

How Many Fat Reduction Treatments Will I Receive?

The number of appointments that you attend will depend on the amount of fat under your chin, the aesthetic changes you would like to achieve, and your unique response to this injectable product. In general, you are likely to notice significant changes in your double chin after you have received three to six appointments. We will wait 30 days between each of your fat reduction sessions.

How Should I Prepare for My Appointments?

Before you receive each of your fat reduction treatments, you might be required to temporarily stop using supplements or medications that could cause your blood to become thinner. In particular, you might need to stop taking aspirin and a supplement called St. John’s Wort for about five to seven days.

In addition to avoiding these substances, you may be able to decrease the length of your recovery period by using products that contain a beneficial ingredient called Arnica Montana. For example, you might decide to take an oral supplement that contains this substance. In addition, we may advise you to enhance your comfort levels by taking Tylenol or another over-the-counter medicine about 60 minutes before your appointment is scheduled to begin.

What Will Happen During Each of My Appointments?

Each of your fat reduction sessions will usually last for about 20 to 30 minutes. Before we improve your double chin, we may put a topical numbing cream onto your skin. After we have numbed your tissues, we will use a very thin needle to inject this product into the unwanted fat on your neck. The number of injections that you receive will depend on the amount of fat in your double chin and the cosmetic objectives that you would like to achieve.

What Rules Should I Follow After I Get My Injections?

We will advise you to temporarily refrain from eating meals that contain a high amount of sodium for the next three to five days. During this time, you’ll also need to remember to consume a large volume of water and drink other hydrating fluids.

For the next seven days, you will need to avoid exposing your skin to high amounts of sunlight and stop taking very hot showers. Further, you should not go running, take a very difficult exercise class, or do other activities that will cause you to sweat heavily.

When Will My Double Chin Become Smaller?

Since your treatment plan will probably take several months to complete, you will see a gradual reduction in the prominence of your double chin. In general, you will see the most significant changes in your extra fat after several months have gone by. If you have a smaller amount of fat under your chin, you might achieve faster improvements in your profile.

How Much Does This Fat Reduction Treatment Cost?

Since this injectable treatment will permanently destroy some of your unwanted fat cells, this technique is a very cost-effective way to contour your profile. Instead of spending your money on expensive gym memberships, diet plans, or other methods that improve your double chin, you’ll be able to achieve lasting changes in your jawline and profile.

Analyzing Your Costs

We will usually charge $600 for each vial of this injectable product. If you are female, you will probably receive one or two vials of this injectable product during each of your fat reduction sessions, and a typical session is likely to cost $600 to $1,200. If you are male, we may use two or three vials during each of your appointments.

As the fullness under your chin decreases, we may begin to use smaller amounts of this injectable to treat your remaining fat cells. As a result, the cost of your later sessions may decrease.

Receiving a Consultation

Before we use this injectable to fix your double chin, we will have a complimentary consultation with you. During this meeting, we will analyze your jawline, assess the extra fat under your chin, and discuss your cosmetic objectives. Once this discussion is complete, we can give you more information about the likely cost of your treatment plan.

Can I Combine This Treatment With Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a non-invasive treatment that can be used to firm sagging skin on your neck, under your chin, and in many other places. After we use ultrasound energy to enhance the condition of your tissues, your loose skin will gradually become firmer and tighter. These results may last for up to two years, and you can extend the duration of your improvements by getting additional Ultherapy sessions.

If you have loose skin on your neck and a double chin, you should consider using Ultherapy in connection with this fat reduction treatment. Tightening your lax skin will enhance the results of your injectable treatments and give your profile a youthful, lifted appearance.

Reduce Your Double Chin

You don’t have to spend years feeling unhappy and embarrassed about the appearance of your profile. Receiving a series of Kybella fort myers treatments will dissolve some of the fat cells underneath your chin and dramatically transform your profile. To learn more about the process of using this minimally invasive treatment to permanently fix your double chin, you should contact us at Premiere Aesthetics in Fort Myers, FL.

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