Platelet Rich Fibrin

PRF Facelift Procedure

What is the PRF FaceLift?
Looking for a natural way to restore volume to your face or smooth out wrinkles? The PRF FaceLift is a non-surgical procedure in which your body’s own blood cells, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), are combined with FDA-approved fillers to rejuvenate your face and sculpt a younger appearance. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity of our skin but as we age, our collagen decreases consequently creating fine lines and changes in the texture and tone of our skin. During the PRF FaceLift, growth factors are extracted from blood platelets and used to stimulate new collagen in the skin to regain tone, tightness and color, while giving you a refreshed look with new younger tissue.
3 Steps of the PRF FaceLift Procedure
First, hyaluronic acid (HA) filler is added to lift and restore volume to the face. Then our nurse takes about 2 teaspoons of blood from your arm. These blood cells are processed in a centrifuge to extract platelets that are responsible for collagen growth. The purified platelets are then injected into problem areas on the face to stimulate new collagen, tissues, and blood vessels in the skin surrounding the injection sites.
What problem areas does the PRF FaceLift treat?
The most commonly treated areas include:

  • Smile lines
  • Unwanted folds and wrinkles on the face
  • Dull gray skin tone and timeworn texture

Is the PRF FaceLift right for me?
Many of our patients who request the PRF FaceLift are pursuing natural rejuvenation alternatives. This is an ideal treatment for patients interested in refreshing the face without surgery. Since this procedure uses your own blood, there is basically no risk of an abnormal response or allergic reaction.
How much time does it take to perform the PRF FaceLift?
It takes about an hour to perform the entire procedure. No medications or sedations are needed. A topical numbing cream is applied on the face to reduce any discomfort.
How long does it take to see the results of my PRF FaceLift?
The results of the PRF FaceLift will improve for approximately 2 to 3 months.

PRF Facial® Procedure

What is the PRF Facial?
Are you interested in restoring color, volume and texture to your face? The PRF Facial uses your body’s own blood cells, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate the face and sculpt a younger appearance. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity of our skin but as we age, our collagen decreases consequently creating fine lines and changes in the texture and tone of our skin. During the PRF Facial, growth factors are extracted from blood platelets and used to stimulate new collagen in the skin to regain tone, tightness and color, while giving you a refreshed look with new younger tissue.
The PRF Facial Procedure Process
Unlike the PRF FaceLift, this procedure skips adding the hyaluronic acid fillers. First, our nurse takes about 2 teaspoons of blood from your arm. These blood cells are next processed in a centrifuge to extract platelets that are responsible for collagen growth. The purified platelets can then be injected into more sensitive areas on your face such as under the eyes, forehead, smile lines and deep wrinkles to stimulate new collagen, tissues, and blood vessels in the skin surrounding the injection sites. PRP can also be applied to the neck, upper torso and backs of hands upon request.
What problem areas does the PRF Facial treat?
The most commonly treated areas include:

  • Acne, trauma, or chicken pox scars
  • Smile lines and wrinkles on the face
  • Dull gray skin tone and timeworn texture

Is the PRF Facial right for me?
Many of our patients who request the PRF Facial are pursuing natural, non-surgical rejuvenation alternatives. Since this procedure uses your own blood, there is basically no risk of an abnormal response or allergic reaction.
How much time does it take to perform the PRF Facial?
This procedure takes about 30 minutes. Patients can resume normal activities immediately after. No medications or sedations are needed. A topical numbing cream is applied on the face to reduce any discomfort.

The Female Sexual Wellness Shot

What is the Female Sexual Wellness Shot?
The Female Sexual Wellness Shot is a non-surgical, natural and painless procedure for women that uses your body’s own blood cells, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to cure urinary incontinence, and revitalize and restore sensation to your vagina and clitoris. During the the Female Sexual Wellness Shot, growth factors are extracted from blood platelets and used to stimulate new collagen, tissue and blood vessels to help relieve women of urinary incontinence and sex problems.
The Female Sexual Wellness Shot Procedure Process
First, numbing cream is applied to the vagina. Then our nurse takes about 2 teaspoons of blood from your arm. These blood cells are processed in a centrifuge to extract platelets that are responsible for collagen growth. The purified platelets are then injected into the clitoris and upper vagina that have been numbed to stimulate new collagen, tissue, and blood vessel growth.
What are the benefits of the Female Sexual Wellness Shot?

  • Younger, smoother vulva (lips of the vagina)
  • A tighter vaginal opening
  • Stronger and more frequent orgasms
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Decreased urinary incontinence

Is the Female Sexual Wellness Shot right for me?
Many of our patients who request the Female Sexual Wellness Shot are looking to cure urinary incontinence or bring sensation back into their sex lives through natural, non-surgical, non-invasive alternatives. Since this procedure uses your own blood, there is basically no risk of an abnormal response or allergic reaction.
How much time does it take to perform the Female Sexual Wellness Shot
It takes between a half hour to an hour to perform the entire procedure. No medications or sedations are needed. A topical numbing cream is applied to the vagina to reduce any discomfort.